My Taper Plan

Tapering and Health Plan

This is my plan I am following and as I find thing through research and try things the information could change or things may be added to this article. This is just an open honest list of all that I am trying and the results of what works for me withdrawing from Lexapro. You may or may not have the same experiences while trying to taper from Lexapro or any other antidepressant like it such as Paxil, Prozac, Zoloft and the like.

Jeweler’s scale (to weigh the crushed pills. (Usually costs under 30.00)
Tiny measuring spoons (Not to measure but to scoop up the crushed pills to be placed on the scale, so any tiny spoon would work)
Gel-caps: to put the power in when making your doses (can be bought through the internet, I found mine through Amazon or a health food store)

Dosing Excel Sheet: You can do the math yourself or use this handy spread sheet from You can see mine here.

Journal : Keeping records of symptoms and on what day really helps. So you kind have a time frame for the next taper.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – A CBT book or therapist to help deal with the withdrawals yes, but also to help deal with what had you starting antidepressants to begin with. I personally like CBT + “Mindfulness Therapy”

Relaxation and Meditation

Exercise: Aerobic exercise has been such a help with withdraw pain and discomfort. I use a cross trainer slow and steady for at least 30 mins a day. Sometimes I do a morning 20 mins and then 30min at night and that is a huge help. Walking is also good and I have always stepped at least 5000 steps a day and kept track with a pedometer.

Fish Oil 4000mg
Magnesium 400 2 x daily
Vitamin C

2 fish oil capsules twice a day once in the morning and once at night. Same with with the magnesium.

Personally I make sure I take these every day I have added to the fish oil I now take 4000 a day. I take regular vitamins and such, the ones above I believe are important for helping with withdrawal.

There are other supplements that might help I am going to try Phosphatidyl Serine 100mg to start out with at night before going to bed. I will increase it slowly and see if it helps with my high cortisol and anxiety that the high cortisol causes. Basically the morning anxiety/dread feeling I get during tapers.

Phosphatidyl Serine - One of the best known and most effective ways to lower excess cortisol levels is with the nutrient Phosphatidylserine. Phosphatidylserine is believed to facilitate the repair of the cortisol receptors in the hypothalamus. It is believed that the cortisol receptors get damaged by high cortisol levels reducing the ability of the hypothalamus to sense and correct high cortisone levels. Because Phosphatidylserine helps repair the feedback control apparatus, it is useful in correcting both high and low cortisol levels. (I am only trying this, this may or maybe stay in my plan, and if it stays it will not be permanent.)

A snapshot of what I do is:
Morning: Take supplements
20 min crosstrainer
Healthy breakfast
And then go about my morning.
Afternoon: I got about my day
Healthy lunch
Take out time for meditation (any time of the day this can be done)
Evening: Healthy dinner
30 mins crosstrainer
Reading or CBT
Shower and Bed.

My evening starts after work. This is an idea of how I spend a regular day. My exercise will change in the future, bit for now I do it slow and steady. I am working more for easing withdrawal pains and lowing cortisol due to antidepressants and withdraws.