Monday, December 19, 2011

On to 3.0mg

I did the drop to the weight that matches to 3.0mg.

I do have muscle pain, headache and feeling of yucky - ness. However I did do strength training yesterday and upped my reps. So I am not sure.

For me strength training does not help any withdrawal pain, the only exercise that helps is aerobics.  I need the strength training and know it will pay off at some point.

Sometimes I think of what a slug Lexapro turned me into. It made me blind to so many things. 

I am now feeling as of the "medicated me" is a stranger.

Too Dazed


Matina said...

Thanks for your post. I hope you feel better by Christmas.

Matina said...

Hi there!

It is December 26th and I was wondering how you are feeling. As for me I am at another halt-adrenal issues now. Actually they have been an issue for the past few years but are now being tested and hopefully addressed for future dropping. As far as how I feel it is okay right now. Just the usually S.A.D. mood swings and hormones issues that addressing the adrenals should balance out.
Have a hopeful New Year!!!

TooDazed said...

Well I can't say for sure, a friend of ours passed away on Christmas Day. So my emotions are all lover the place.

This is the third loss to go through during tapering and withdrawals. I bet you could imagine. One thing we have in common is withdrawal and I am sure you have come across hardships (like your adrenal issues) while withdrawing. It makes it harder and easier depending I guess. To focus on the withdrawal makes it easy to deal with grief, but to focus on the loss makes it somewhat easier not to think about the withdrawal.

Funny thing is, way back when I was put on antidepressants for grief.. go figure!

Matina said...

I am sorry to hear about yet another loss. Yes I have come across a lot while going through the withdrawals. But I guess as I get back into the realities of life I see how the medicine shut off my true reaction emotions. Yet I also am beginning to understand how I overloaded my emotional system with worry and obsessing over things that were really not in my own control. Loss of a loved one whether animal or human is emotionally taxing. It is normal to grieve and abnormal not to grieve. Grieving is a process and each person needs to process their grief in their own way that brings the best healing. Unfortunately when you are either on the medicine or withdrawing you may end up grieving over the loss later if you are successful in getting completely off of them. I have been noticing triggers in my own anxiety that were culprits of my initial panic attacks and have been trying to talk myself into letting go of these worries that I can not control. I know you do not want to take any other suppliments other than what you are taking-but a good web site that is beneficial to many is called The Road Back. It is a program that guides those who have been 'taken captive' (my phrase) by antidepressants and other mood altering drugs. I have tried some of their products and they did not help me, but the information has been a life saver. Maybe if your can't sleep one night : ) you might like to go onto their site. It helps to read their information. They also have a lot of insight on nutrients that are helpful and 'not helpful'. A lot is trial and error because we are all so different in our chemistry. For instance I found that important information on the endocrine system which I addressed, and that I 'was' deficient in my B12, and B6. I helped some in giving me a better understanding as to why I was going through some of my withdrawal effects. Treating my adrenals and adding a balance ratio of only the B's my system needed has been the best thing I could do for myself in this long battle. Obviously it is all still a work in progress but I have seen a notable difference in the past few days. It has given me more hope. My husband bought me a full spectrum reading lamp for Christmas-what a Blessing!! That has been a huge help for my SAD problem. Hang in there and take good care of your 'self', and try not to rush things when you finally get through this drop. Listening to your body and emotions will be vital for both of us in the last several drops. Take care!!!!

Matina said...

Just a not to say OI hope you are doing well with each passing day; and I am sorry for plastering you with so many details and unrequested suggestions. What a pain in the butt I have been-sorry

TooDazed said...

I really appreciate your advice! Don't apologize. Because if I can't use the advice you bet someone out on the internet that runs across this might need it.

U will read that site, thank you! I am just not taking any during withdrawal because of that paradoxical reaction.

Happy New Years!

Matina said...

HI. how are you doing?

TooDazed said...

Matina Hi! I am a bit sick. I guess I caught something while I was waiting with a family member in the ER! the local public ER closed down so they all came into the er that I was waiting in, a 14 hour wait!

Anyhow am going to drop in 2 or 3 days to 2.6mg

How are you doing?

Matina said...

Do you think you are sick from the withdrawal still? How are your moods and nervous system doing with the withdrawals? I am feeling very gloomy these days and having up and downs with my anxiety and adrenal issues. Today I have no motivation really. Yesterday I tried the b-complex in a small regiment as recommended and had another bad reaction. I can't take anything other than the b6, b12, pantothenic acid, and inositol without having anxiety or nervousness.The ones i can take are helpful whenI take them. Also I have noticed a burning sensation again under my skin which I had two years ago from the paxil withdrawal. I really beleive the lexapro adds to my anxiety issues but do not want to reduce during this time of year any more than I can handle.Keep in touch and fill us in with your side effects and positive reactions too.

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