The physical withdrawals are gone,but I have noticed that when I first wake up I feel very anxious and a bit depressed, I try and go back to sleep and when I wake up for the second time it is all but gone. Is that not weird??? I forgot to mention that this happened with the last drop .. every morning it gets better till it is eventually gone. The first morning this happened felt horrible, now it is just a tad.
I wonder if this is going to happen with every drop? I can just see my doctor trying to tell me it is my original illness coming back .. LOL. I am not going to fall for that one. I have read that people do go through this sometimes with tapering so I am not frightened about it, I am just aware of it.
I was talking to a friend tonight who tapered off his medication very quickly and ended up in protracted withdrawal (long term withdrawal) he has been in withdrawal for 2.5 years now. Anyhow he was wondering if withdrawing to fast or cold turkey could leave permanent damage, even just being on the antidepressants long term causing damage .. I am not sure but if that was true can you imagine all the innocent people taking antidepressants right now is going to go through?
There is a possibly I was considering, maybe when I reach 5mg, of going to 5 percent? I am wondering if this morning anxiety/depression that disappears when I go back to sleep is a sign to go slower? I do believe that going slower is actually better for the brain but I just get so sock of this antidepressant nightmare I am in.
Oh yes I am reading a good book on Mindfulness therapy called "Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness" by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
I am trying to get into that program called "Panic Puzzle" but during withdrawals is is to chaotic going from mp3 files to pdfs and such. Maybe when I am off the Lexapro and away from the withdrawals.
With the book about Mindfulness it seems to be helping quit a bit but during the hard withdrawals (Day 3 - 8) I tend to not read as much.
Too Dazed
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