Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 7 @ 5.9mg

Day 7 and still feeling like crap. But it is better than day 4 and 5 which was worse. These are the days were I do feel angry about starting this drug at all back then.
Right now I have:

Sore muscles

And that morning dread/anxiety. Funny how that starts t fade as the day wears on. Sounds like the cortisol problem. I am still taking that supplement and it has not helped with morning dread/anxiety. I am going to give it more time though and see.

During the bad days it feels like a chore to do anything. But I make sure I get at least 30min a day on the cross trainer. Even on the good days I make sure I do this. I cannot express show much it really helps. I actually look forward to it.

Too Dazed


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