Monday, August 8, 2011

(new) Taper Page

You will see a link at the top called "My Taper Plan". What I am trying to do is keep track of what works for me in my tapering of Lexapro. It is a page that will be kept updated and when my taper is complete AND when I no longer have withdrawal from lexapro that page will be kept as is and stay here so that people who are looking to read and find tips for help while tapers can browse through my page instead of having to go through each post here one at a time. All my positive results and any warnings about any thigns that caused a negative result will be listed.

I think it is important not to add to that page when I am finished with Lexapro and withdrawal from antidepressants, because I want every result, every opinion and every finding that will be read to be known that I tired it personally and my first hand experience be the only thing on that page.

When I started to research help with this I ran across a lot of blogs of people withdrawing from antidepressants that were not complete and not updated for months or years which makes me think that if they did finish they forgot about their blog and we as readers never got to read about the end or the experiences of after antidepressants.

I think the end or last few tapers are the most important tapers during the whole process.



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