Wednesday, August 10, 2011

One More Day

One more dose and it is on to my next drop. I will be dropping to 5.9 mg. Actually I get a bit excited thinking about being at or under 5mg. Maybe it is because last time about two years ago I crashed at 5mg. And I have all the confidence with all this research I did from then until now and without the help of my doctor who is either lying or blind to withdrawal.

I think I will have a mini celebration when I hit 5 mg, maybe buy myself something :)

As far as non drug help I now know how much exercise, meditation and CBT is worth.It takes time and patience but so much more rewarding and I feel so much stronger than having to rely on a pill that hurts the mind, Body and especially the brain.

I have taken 100mg of Phosphatidyl Serine two times now and actually feel a slight pressure in my head, this might not be good for me while I am actively withdrawing from Lexapro. It is not making me nervous or raising any anxieties. I am hoping it is helping with my cortisol. Again I am not relying on this, but adding the right foods and exercise.

Too Dazed


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