Well insomnia right now. I know it is from withdrawal. I am not going to stress out about it, I am just going to roll with it. Other than that I am feeling pretty decent for Day 6. This taper has been really light as far as withdrawal symptoms. Day 3 I did start to feel flu-ish but then it just disappeared.
This proves to me that Slow and Steady Wins The Race!
I have been doing 45 mins a night on the cross trainer and 3 times a week "strength training" so I do different exercises and use weights. I have to say I find the weights part very unpleasant, but I muddle through because one day I will see and feel the benefits and since I am having withdrawal the soreness from the weights is nothing compared to the muscle pain of withdrawal.
The 45 mins on the cross trainer though is different, it makes my withdrawal pains vanish and for many hours. I like to do it in the evening to get an "all night" relief effect.
Too Dazed
HI I did send you a message at another time. I noticed you are not sleeping. I am down to 3.20 mg's from 10 mg's. I know that sleep is crucial to the healing of the neurons so when I am having a night when I am not really sleepy-not due to anxiety or anything- I take some melatonin, for me usually just 1.5 mg's. I also take cal.-mag.-zinc.- and d at night before bed. Here is a another tid bid I do not know if I had mentioned earlier or if you know about. Standard process puts out some great food suppliments that have been wonderful for my neurons. They keep me from getting too anxious or out of focus. They are inositol and choline. I also take triple fish oil and a good multi vitamin.
Good luck to you and hang in there. Rememember too-if the withdrawals get to be too much you should go back to the last stable dose and stay there for another couple of weeks until you feel ready to drop again-remember-do not rush it. Hard to do I know.
I see you haven't been on for a while. Are you okay?
Yes! I am ok! Actually I was having computer problems and other crazy things! I am still at 5.3 and this taper has been not to to bad.
With each drop I have at least one sleepless night maybe two. But right now I am up because I have to be I have a strange schedule which should be getting back to normal soon.
LOL I actually was thinking of rushing it and them I remembered the crash! So I keep in mind that "Slow and Steady Wins The Race"!
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