Sunday, January 8, 2012

Started 2.7mg

I have started a new taper 2.7mg. The last taper barely bothered me with really bad symptoms. So far not much. A friend from PaxilProgress reported in her tapering history that she had no major withdraw after the 3.0mg mark. I find this so far to be true! It would be great if this is the case. I will let you know. believe me I am paying close attention to this one.



Matina said...

Thank you for your posting. I am nearly ready to begin my own taper again. Feeling much better. Anxiety is pretty much gone and emotions are stable.

TooDazed said...

Wow then we sorta match! So far coming up to the third day, this is where most of the physical stuff starts happening. I am hoping I don't feel anything!

Matina said...

Hi. Wow you were up late according to your time of documentation ; ) Glad you are still hanging on without too much. I have a question. Do yo recall or would your describe you head brain feeling rather numb or full feeling at times? Maybe as though you had a feeling of a head cold in your head but no symptoms and this loss of emotion for many things? Sometimes I do not know if this is the medicine or a deficiency in a B.

TooDazed said...

I find that it goes up and down. The pressure and the emotions. I just remind myself that it is not me and that things will normalize.

Matina said...

Thanks again for the update. Stay well and be good to yourself.

Matina said...

Last night I began my first drop in over two months against my natural path's advice. But I needed to because before I did the drop I was having that dull unmotivated feeling for quite some time. I pushed to move through it for my daughter's 13th birthday and made it. But not with the freedom of my hidden joyful expression locked beneath this medicine. I merely go through the motions at times and 'try' to 'feel'. It takes a lot of effort. I have been getting treatment for my adrenals and that has helped tremendously with the anxiety and nervousness. As part of the treatment I am on a strict detoxing food diet also. Today I do not have that dull feeling but with that will come muscle tightness I am sure and other ailments for a spell.

TooDazed said...

Matina, I am sorry that it is so rough for you :( Was it a larger drop or a 10 percent drop?

I have been blah and some crying. I have to say that I am very sick of this, but then again there is nothing I/We can do. A friend of mine told me that her doctor said that there is no withdrawal with Lexapro! I cannot believe the lies they are allowed to tell! It is right on
the company's website.

Been thinking I may have to start a CBT therapy with a doctor, I keep forgetting to do it, so I am going to try everyday and if I fail I am going to make an appointment. I going back into "Mindfulness therapy" It was great when i was doing it everyday and not hard, I hate being lazy!

Matina said...

I am sorry to hear too that you are having crying bouts and blah feeling. It makes it so difficult to know what is a real feeling and what is not! What a mess the doctors and pharmacies have us in. Well today was the 7th day on my drop of about 10 percent/ I do the liquid lexapro. Two nights ago I realized I had forgotten to pick up my prescription and was out of lexapro! I had to go without that night which totally messed up my system and the reduction plan. Then to top it off it is a new year and deductions have to start all over again. So I had to pay $69.00 for my medicine. The clerk told me it was $130 without insurance! Can you imagine what is must be like for those who are on this stuff or another and loose their insurance? I know a friend who had that happen with her prozac. it cost her $100 a month for her pills. So between yesterday and today on the seventh day I myself had some anxiety and my usual obsessive thinking I get at this time. Then I get emotional and impulsive and start to think irrationally about how to handle the dormant issues that I have 'not' been dealing with all of these years. Not to mention I do hate to even mention what I am feeling and thinking to my husband because he doesn't feel the same way as I do about the issues that I am now having to face and deal with. Thankfully I had been in to see my natural path who kept me encouraged with how far I have come and I do know that I am not feeling any where near as I was in the other withdrawals. Truly she has been my life saver. I have a number of other things that are being treated as I have shared in the older posts and so I have to be cautious not to push or rush myself in this. I can feel the effect on my adrenal glands again with this drop. I had been feeling so much better and the anxiety and fatigue coming my way is an indication that I need to nurture them and not begin the next drop too soon. This is probably a foolish question but what is a CBT therapy? Take care and keep me posted as often as you can and i will too.

Matina said...

Hi and how are doing now. I noticed that on your last post it looked like it had been about 17 days since your drop. Is that right? Then you had a longer withdrawal effect than the 10/12 day that I usually experience. Today is day 11 I believe and I feel somewhat better. I am actually not looking forward to another drop so I will probably lay low when I get stable for a week or two before another drop.

Matina said...

Are you okay?

Matina said...

HI. Starting to worry about you.

Matina said...

Haven't heard from you in a while. I am still at the 2.40 but I am starting to feel depressed and not myself. Hope I figure out what to do.

TooDazed said...

Sorry my computer was on the fritz. I hope you are ok now! Please let me know!

Matina said...

I am okay. Could always be better, but...
HOW ARE YOU! I have been really concerned. Let me know if you can.

TooDazed said...

I am doing good. Almost ready for another drop. I also started to take classes that challenge me and I also upped my exercise to challenge me, those things make me feel good.

A few items my emotions went up and down. Being drugged by Lexapro changed me into a person that got walked on quite a bit. That person is now dissolving and people are finding it impossible to step on me. Sometimes it is not a pleasant experience.

Other than that I am doing as well as I can hope for at this point.

Matina said...

I am glad you are feeling better. Do you feel better than you did on the higher dose of lexapro now that you have dropped so far? Can you pinpoint how you feel emotionally and physically once the withdrawals have balanced out? Like are you feeling calm and able to process your emotions now or are you irritable if you get that way during withdrawal. Like when you say others can't step on you and anymore? Do you feel upbeat or rather gloomy (as I get -which may be the SAD)? Are you sleeping good, waking without trouble? Do you have anxiety or nervousness at all-all these are usually symptoms when we get to this point so I was just wondering.

TooDazed said...

No problem, I understand every part of that question. You know what let me answer this in a new post.

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