Today is the third day of my taper. And I do feel some symptoms, so far a headache and some muscle stiffness, but again I work out all week and lift weights 3x a week now. Monday I usually have some sort of muscle soreness from having the weekend off of lifting.
Tomorrow is some spinning (bike) and that always helps.
I do think I am pretty used to the routine of tapering. Still though it will be nice to actually not have to go through this anymore. I do have to taper from Klonopin and I hope it is not as bad as tapering off of antidepressants.
Too Dazed
Oh...I did not know you were also on the klonpin. Is that for the anxiety piece? Maybe that is why there is less anxiety for you than me.
I have not had the best responses lately from the withdrawal. I am starting to get that hopeless feeling again and what is the point of being here if all I do is obsess over this medicine and can't work due to the up and down moods of feeling good one day and depressed the next day. I just wrote to my natural path to inquire if I might be wise to go back up to a spot on lexapro that I felt more like myself until her the adrenals and thyroid straighten out. Really sick of all of this-finances are not enough to survive on and I am no help to my husband-just a burden really I feel. I have recently had to apply for disability because it has debilitated me so. If that does not get a approved and I don't get well we are in creek without a paddle!!!As you can tell I am not having a good day. Hope yours is better. Sorry to be so negative.
I don't blame you at all! You are dealing with a lot right now and I know exactly how you feel. this last drop has gotten me feeling a bit ill and down and negative. I am also getting sick of this withdrawal!
We received some really bad news about a family member's health. We are sad, scared and in such a low place. I find myself trying very heard to build up some hope.
I try and think about positive stuff, like maybe one day a person will happen to read this and take in what we are going through and possibly decide on not taking this medication.
I hope you are improving and I hope you get approve!
It is getting a little better, I hope you are also!
Sometimes I wonder why, even though I know there s no answer.
I have been trying to post but I can't get it to paste????? Anyway I am glad for you. I hope you succeed. I feel up and down due to all of my other issues and hope that I see improvement soon because if not I may have to go back up on the lexapro or another on a low dose until I get out of the hole I am in.*#*#!!!!
I really hope you do not take another AD.
I did not have too. It is a lot to do with my Adrenal Fatigue and food reactions, along with my estrogen and progestrone that are out of wack due tot he adrenal fatigue. I am better today. Not highly motivated but better attitude. How are you doing these days? Are you getting ready for another drop? I am pretty sure I will be okay and be off of these by early summer. Can't wait-just want to feel good before that happens and stay feeling good.
HI. How are you doing these days?
Been better :( But what can I do, it is an up and down ride that is for sure. I hope to be off by summer too! I am at 1.5mgs. I have hit a rough patch. But we also have a sibling who got cancer back after being cancer free for 5 years.
it was discovered by accident, and lucky, it is in the beginning stage, if not for the accidental finding we don't know what would have happened.
So now I am tired all the time and sleep, could be from all the worrying we had while waiting for answers.
Which is why I have not been here and I apologize for that.
It just feels so never ending this withdrawal thing, and it is so tiring.
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