Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lexapro 1mg and feeling good!

Well I am now down to 1mg, in fact I have been on 1mg for about 2 weeks. I have to say that the withdrawal is getting much better. I had maybe one day of feeling sore and maybe 1 hour of feeling "bad".

I think my next move is dropping to .70mg and then off of Lexapro entirely.

I still have so much more work to do. I have the weight issue, the health issue and the CBT to practice to face my past and future stresses and problems. Not to forget I have another taper to do from the benzo Klonopin.

At this point I still do my exercise plan 6 days a week unless really ill. I find this helps me so much I don't think I will ever not exercise.

I still take the fish oil and mag.

I have had my struggles and tragedies along this process and I think I still need to deal with some of them. Like my good friend who died last June.  I still don't really feel the pain or loss fully. It is kinda blunt. there is a lot to get in order emotion wise. But I feel I am on the right track.

I can tell you one thing for sure, I am no longer scared of withdrawal (mainly because I am at such a low dose) and I am very very happy to be at this point.


matina said...

Hi-looks like your sailing! Congratulations. I am still not moving forward-still have too many endocrinology issues. As a matter of fact I had to return to 3 mgs. for a more stable dose for now due to it all. I have a question though. You said you take klonopin. How much do you take and how often. I have to take it ocassionally due to the anxiety effects of the medicine too and feel like taking it every day would be a big help for me. Happy to hear you are doing so well.

TooDazed said...

I take .5 once a day, I worked it down over the last 4 years to this dose (original dose was .50 3 times a day).

matina said...

Is that .50 of 1Xdaily meaning the same pill dose as the 3Xdaily?
How is the weaning of lexapro coming along? I hope you keep posting for a few months following your complete withdrawal so others can see how you are doing when off of it and be motivated themselves.

TooDazed said...

I will stay here, in fact will post more often I think because I am now done with Lexapro! As far as the Klonopin that is once a day. I used to take it 4 times a day but whittled that down over the coarse of 5 years.

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