It has been about 40 days since my last Lexapro dose. I am happy to say that all is well with that.
However I have started my Klonopin tapering.
I feel very naive in that I did all this research in Antidepressant withdrawal and tapering and just thought the Klonopin taper and withdrawal would be simple and a minor inconvenience.
I started my first cut of 10percent. day 3 to 11 was not very pleasant. Lots of head pressure just like AD withdrawal. Restless Leg Syndrome and a bout of insomnia.
What is different? No muscle pain as of yet.
I was upset to have to go through this again. But I am getting over it and am not going into this with any gloom or doom. It will be over once and for all and that will be a great day.
Sent you another post yesterday but I don't know if you are checking them all or just these on the klonopin site. Anyway I hope you are doing well in this difficult withdrawal.
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