Friday, July 13, 2012

Warning! FDA Approves a New Pill Belviq (lorcaserin) and soon Qnexa® (phentermine and topiramate) for Weightloss

As a person that suffered 3.5 years of Antidepressant Withdrawal I just found out that the FDA has approved a new weight-loss pill and will approve another one sometime this month or next. As some of you might know, Antidepressants make the person pack on the weight, leaving the person with a huge weight-loss problem that will not budge until you get off the Antidepressant. Which one must do slowly and steady with 10 percent tapers every 3 to 6 weeks. Please see for help with tapering safety.

During withdrawal my weight gain would not budge.  It was not till after I was off the drug that weight-loss has started.

Now think about all the people who were trapped on their antidepressant, those who painstakingly slowly tapered off the drug to be left with a wrecked figure. And then they get this pill probably encouraged by their doctor.  It really makes my stomach turn.

Before getting into into these medications I want to express my thoughts on weightloss, and I want to say it is all about exercise and healthy nutrition NOT pills or starvation. Please do not fall for this. There is no pill that will help you. Only hurt you further. The change takes place in your mind and your spirit not your stomach or brain.  More about that later.

So the first one to get FDA approval is  Belviq (lorcaserin).  
This drug has serotonergic properties. what does that mean?  Serotonergic or serotoninergic means "related to the neurotransmitter serotonin". A synapse is serotonergic if it uses serotonin as its neurotransmitter. A substance is serotonergic if it produces its effects via interactions with the serotonin system.

A serotonergic, or serotonergic agent, is any chemical which functions to enhance the effects mediated by serotonin in the central nervous system.

Does that sound familiar? Think about Antidepressants and how they affect the serotonin? After a very painful withdrawal would you want to have anything to do with any drug that affects the serotonin?  If you found this Blog via search for Lexapro withdrawal or Antidepressant withdrawal then you know all about the horrible aspects of withdrawal and the weight gain. You know about the pain of withdrawal and want it over. Those symptoms you are going through or went through is the result of your brain trying to get back to "base" the whole thing is your brain coming back from a drug altered state to your normal state.

Now after all that this pill comes along to solve the weight problem? Well no actually this pill does not help, the average weight lost was only 7 pounds.  Risk your brain and central nervous system for 7 pounds. Sounds ridiculous to me.

Next pill that is up to be approved is  Qnexa® (phentermine and topiramate)

Topiramate otherwise known as Topamax
You may have thoughts about suicide while taking Topamax. Tell your doctor if you have new or worsening symptoms of depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. Your family or other caregivers should also be alert to changes in your mood or symptoms. Your doctor will need to check you at regular visits.

FDA pregnancy category D. Taking Topamax during pregnancy may increase the risk of cleft lip and/or cleft palate in the newborn. Do not start taking Topamax without telling your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Use effective birth control while you are taking Topamax.

If you need to stop taking Topamax for any reason, your doctor slowly tapers off your dosage to prevent seizures

Drug may increase blood pressure and heart rate. It may also cause palpitations, restlessness, and insomnia. Additionally, phentermine has the potential to cause psychological dependence. After short term use, tolerance begins and can be followed by rebound weight gain.

Cardiovascular Effects

Palpitation, tachycardia, elevation of blood pressure.

Central Nervous System Effects

Overstimulation, restlessness, dizziness, insomnia, euphoria, dysphoria, tremor, headache.

Gastrointestinal Effects

Dryness of the mouth, unpleasant taste, diarrhea, constipation, other gastrointestinal disturbances.

Read more: Topamax Withdrawal Side Effects |

Well you can see why I wanted to post this warning especially for people that are withdrawing from thier Antidepressant or just finished and looking to lose the weight gained. This is no answer and to expose your already fragile Central Nervious System is just frightening,

As a fellow human being that went through this horrible withdrawal with no help from any Doctors I will never take any drug for any reason that affects any brain chemicals or receptors.

I am two months off and I can feel myself getting better and better everyday. I am already almost 20 pounds lighter.  I went through all the emotions and worry about the weight and if it will ever budge. And I can tell you it does!  I watch my calories according to my BMI and I exercise. Weight is one thing I do not do is worry about  anymore and that is the key.

Food is healing and when you care for yourself with good nutritious food and have your portions across the day (eat three times a day and have snacks) You will start to feel better and better. Good portions of fresh fruits and vegetables with lean protein and and low-fat dairy and you will be set.

One of my days of what I eat.

Breakfast - 1 serving of Kashi Cinnamon Harvest with a cup of skim milk and fresh blueberries.
Lunch - My favorite Omelette : 1/2 cup egg whites Chopped Tomatoes, Chopped Green Peppers, Swiss Cheese 1 Rye Toast with butter. 5 Fresh Strawberries.

Snack: Greek Yogurt with extra fresh fruit and a Tablespoon of granola.

Dinner: 4 oz of Trout, Sweet Peas, Raw Carrot Sticks and a Nectarine.

Snack: At least two hours before I go to bed. The Kashi cereal with fresh fruit or a Cliff bar and a cup of skim milk.

For some reason I prefer snacks after lunch and after dinner, this is just a normal day and because I am not taking Antidepressants I have zero abnormal cravings. I am not afraid of carbs, I like potatoes and pasta I just pay attention to portions and calories. I do have more of a challenge because I am tracking sodium also and that has to be kept under 1500mgs a day. So processed food even organic processed has salt.

So I mix my own spices to avoid salt and I cook everything from scratch. I do like cheese but limit it to Swiss and I pick out the less processed with the less salt.

I am still learning my way through this but have been doing this since my last Lexapro dose and I feel fantastic.

I have found exercise to be a personal choice. Aerobic has always helped my withdrawal symptoms and eased my withdrawal pain, so I stick with it. I use a stationary bike. I also am targeting my upper muscles with dumbbell weights and I exercise with standard situps and side crunches. I add the weights with the bike and exercises 3 days a week and for 3 days I just do the bike and the sit ups and side crunches. My goal to have healthy larger muscles (I started out really slow).

Muscles protect the bones and the bones grow stronger. Added Muscles also burn more calories. I have read a few different books and what interested me was having muscles  and when at rest, burns more calories at rest than only aerobic exercises. Meaning I burn more calories while resting for 30 mins than if I ride my bike for 30 mins if I had never exercise and built up my muscles.

Muscles are more dense than fat so the weight will not go down as fast, but you will see the difference and feel the difference. It wards off depression and give you lots of energy. Taking care of you muscles means you exercise them and you feed them good food. Getting a low calorie Whey protein drink really helps also. I drink 100 calorie powder after a weight session, all that protein goes right to the muscle.

Speaking of buring calories ... after working out your muscles you stay in the calorie buring mode well after 24 hours. So as you watch tv or on the computer or while you sleep you are still burning calories!

All I did was go to a used sports and exercise equipment store and buy the dumbbells 3 pounder to 10 pounder sets. I did pick up a weight bench and am planing on getting regular weights and a bar. But for right now I am happy with what I am doing. Hey, best thing about weights is that there are no parts you have to worry about breaking down! Unlike machines your body moves freely and it is harder for your muscles to become too used to the movement. You can change you movements and the weights will always be useful.

I started slow and worked my way up. Adding mins on the bike and adding weight to the dumbbells.  I did start while I was in withdrawal and kept reminding myself that once I was off I will see results.
Now my normal routine is the bike 30 mins and the exercise and weights 30 mins, so that is 60 mins every other day, and 45 mins on the no weight days for a total of 6 days a week. I know sounds hard, but not really I gotten used to it, I started slow and eventually worked my way up, I am used to it and I find I can carve out an hour a day with no problems. Sometimes I do that hour at night and sometimes when I wake up but I have to tell you, this is so worth it.  I think I would have lost weight without the changes but I know the changes will really boost me into what I want to be.

After the Antidepressant you will have the new found energy and positivity!


matina said...

HI there. I have not seen any updates for a spell. How are you doing?

matina said...

Are you all right? I hope you just went on a vacation or something.

TooDazed said...

Oh yes I am fine. Been dealing with the loss of my lifelong best friend. It is strange having a full range of emotions.

On the health front I still have high blood pressure, but I have also dropped 26 pounds. I have had no depression or anxiety except for my grief.

I am tapering Klonopin and it is going very well, I do not have withdrawal as far as I can tell.

I hope all is well with you!

matina said...

Well unfortunately I had to go back up to the 10 milligrams again due to so many endocrinology problems and the genetic disorder I have. My thyroid is still unstable and throwing me into bouts of depression which was making it difficult to do anything about weaning off of the hormones. My natural path and endocrinologist recommended that I get to a stable dose of anti depressant and even counseling to help me while she works on my thyroid as I was having such hopelessness and suicide thoughts rambling around my thoughts that were more related to my psych. I sometimes wonder if the Paxil did so much damage to my brain that I made need to take a different route to get the healing done first. Any way-so glad you are doing so well!

TooDazed said...

Oh sorry to hear that. I think the choice you made is a smart choice. If I didn't have the weight-gain side effect of Lexapro, I would not worry so much about being off the drug and would have done it even slower.

Taking care of you health problem first while ADs keeps your depression at bay is a wise thing.

I am not against the medication if it is beneficial. I am against the doctors handing it out like candy where other things can help the original problem.

There are too many things that can happen as far as withdrawal and side effects to just throw a pill at a person and not try therapy and alternative therapies.

I hope you get some relief.

matina said...

Thanks for your post-I agree with everything you said. This time though I am seeing a med manager who is also counseling me through some of my baggage. That may hep some but judging from my own family history it may not be the complete answer. In the end I may have to accept that I am one of those that truly does have a chemical deficiency that requires this treatment. If it actually helps me for once that would be great!
I also had to go back on the klonopin but my med manager is very causious as to how much I can take right now and how long-AND when I will NEED to begin to withdraw so I do not have withdrawal issues. I really believe once these doctors can find an answer to my hormonal issues and get me off of the estrogen I will feel better all around. The estrogen I believe is complicating everything and made things worsen tot he point that weaning off of those is now on hold. I still have my hope and faith and know that is all going to get better soon.
You take care and thanks for your posting and replies it helps me still as I work through the having to go back on the medicine.

TooDazed said...

Lexapro will mess with estrogen levels in some. I was one of them.

I have been off of Lexapro a little over 3 months and my hormones are slowly returning to normal.

(this comment is to show readers how it can go either way)

matina said...

Well actually I was in post menopause before I went on the Lexapro. The estrogen has actually in my own opinion wreaked havoc on my thyroid. The progestrone it seems has done nothing but help me sleep better-and struggle to wake; and cause MORE depression. I have weaned myself off of the progestrone to see if in fact this is true about the depression piece. This has been a long haul for me and I am so tired of it!! But I will get through. I have come this far. Are you still feeling better with each passing day? I hope you continue to do well with the klonopin also.
Take care and I wish you all the best.

Matina said...

Hi there! Well it has been a month since I have touched base with you. Are you off all of your med's now? You don't have any up to date posts as I can see and am always curious as to how you are doing. You are a great inspiration to me and others I am certain. Lt me know how you are .

TooDazed said...

Things are going great! I am on a half dose of Klonopin so that is .25mg I am slowly tapering that I am in no hurry and the super slow tapering has no WD symptoms. The 10percent has some WD symptoms.

Matina said...

How often are you taking that?

TooDazed said...

The klonopin is once a day.

Matina said...

WOW!! I am impressed.
I have weaned off of the estrogen. It has only bee three days but time will tell with that. I may have to stay on the progestrone for a spell.
I go back and forth on the clonazapan. I do take .25 at night and .12 during the day unless I am switching something like the estrogen and then I take the .25 during the day also for a couple of days. I have not had any problems actually stopping the clonazapan as far as withdrawals. I really did not have any real withdrawals from the lexapro just the return of depression. Sometimes over senitivity in my emotions but that is it.
Take care I and I hope you are still feeling well!!

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